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Domtar is a thINK founding partner and Platinum sponsor of thINK 2016. We talked with Jay Abraham, Technical Sales Manager, to hear why Domtar is such an enthusiastic supporter of thINK . Why did you decide to sponsor thINK 2016? We’re always working on building our relationship with Canon and take any opportunity to partner with them. Sometimes that’s testing or co-developing papers. Sometimes it’s working side by side with Canon sales reps to assist customers who are considering inkjet. Other times, it’s education in the inkjet community. The user community thINK is something we wanted to support financially because it’s not only good for our company and for Canon, it’s good for inkjet users in general. What was your experience at the inaugural thINK conference? thINK 2015 was such a professionally run show and truly exceeded our expectations, especially as a first-year event. Victor Bohnert and the thINK Board did an outstanding job of organizing it. And just the level of …
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Have you registered for thINK 2016 yet? Our annual conference is quickly approaching and the team has been working hard to develop the sessions you want and need. As this year’s conference chair I wanted to share an update on what you’ll see at thINK 2016 – and what you won’t. The most noticeable change for 2016 is the addition of advanced sessions. Many of us have been using inkjet for a while and are starting to take advantage of all its capabilities. That’s why we’ve added sessions covering topics like enterprise color management or 1 to 1 communications. Those new to inkjet will also find sessions aimed at them, from the basic inkjet concepts to how to sell it. More takeaways One thing you won’t see at thINK 2016 is the watered down case studies sometimes found at industry conferences. Instead, we wanted to take it a level deeper and give attendees useful information they can take back to their organizations and start implementing immediately. One of the most popular sessions …
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Appvion (formerly Appleton Papers) is a thINK founding partner and a Platinum sponsor of thINK 2016. We sat down with Jeff Luehring, Business Team Leader and Connie Evers, Brand Manager of the company’s inkjet team to hear their inkjet perspectives. How important is the inkjet market for Appvion? The inkjet market is highly important to us. It’s one of few paper markets that’s growing and it’s growing double digits. The segment is attractive to us not only because of the size of its growth rate but also because it uses a lot of specialized papers, which is one of our core strengths. It is also important for us to bring new products and growth opportunities to our customers. We view our customers as partners, and we understand that to assist in their success, we need to help fill any gaps they may have. How long have you been developing papers for inkjet? Appvion has developed and produced inkjet papers for almost 15 years. In fact, we’ve been a specialty coated paper maker since …
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In today’s digital age, online engagement requires a more personal approach than in the past. Online marketing used to be about creating marketing campaigns comprised of ad banners, search terms and mass email sends. Times have changed and with it technologies that hamper those marketing efforts. The amount of people worldwide using ad blockers has increased 41 percent year over year , and emails are opened less frequently as they are increasingly flagged as spam by email providers, or people swipe them into the trash before looking at them. So how does one go about digital marketing in this new day and age? How do you target a consumer who is engaged digitally, but is ever more immune from digital marketing? We asked those same questions, and our answer was to look to the past and adapt it to the future, with Programmatic Direct Mail®. Digital printing for direct mail has been around for a while, but it lacks the timeliness and relevancy that email and ad banners provide. However, …