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Message from Lori: thINK Board Vice President
Hello thINK User Group!
My first year on the thINK Board has been an exciting one, and I was honored to be asked to step up as Board Vice President. I am looking forward to working with Bob Radzis. I think his experience will really add value to the thINK community and I’m excited to be a part of his team.
To give you a little background on me, I’m Executive Vice President and part owner of Access Direct Systems. I started my career there many years ago in an entry level position. Working my way up through the ranks of the company instilled in me a real passion for digital print and now inkjet. In 2014, we transitioned our entire organization to support inkjet. The thINK community has been a major source of support for us since that transition.
How Can We Support You?
Going into this new role, my goal is to be your representative. As a thINK attendee, speaker, vendor, Canon customer, and now a thINK Board officer, I aspire to be a voice to the needs of every member of the community.
I’m looking forward to getting to know everyone and getting a better idea of your needs. As a member of the thINK community, how can we support you? What issues and challenges are you facing that we can address either in a conference session, a resource on, or connecting you with someone else in the group who can offer insight?
Being part of the thINK community, I’m surrounded by tremendous people with a wealth of knowledge who are willing to share their stories. Those stories are what makes us a community.
One of the things I’d like to encourage is deeper conversations – both during and after the conference. I’m looking into how we might change the format of the conference to provide more opportunities to continue the conversation. Exchanging stories and ideas help build stronger relationships that extend long after the conference is over.
What do you think? Email me with your ideas and your inkjet issues and challenges.